Dream About: Get a fountain and drink its water

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to get through the day, or to warn you to be more careful.

Get a fountain and drink its water

It tells you that you got a beatiful soul, fresh and good.

Oh my god. this is one of the greatest dream.

Anyone who had a dream like this he/she definitely have a Beautiful Soul.

A very beautiful dream for the clean and beautiful human soul. someday All good-hearted people in this world will get a dream like this.

Dream About: Hear someone crying.

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to get through the day, or to warn you to be more careful.

You hear someone crying?

You will complete a major and difficult duty.

Every man has rights and obligations. A person may acquire rights after doing its duty.
And those who wish to acquire big rights then must complete a major liability.

So if you dream about Hear someone crying, you do not know where it come. than you will complete a major liability, and will acquire high duty anyway.

Dream About: Being a stuntman and success on your performing.

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to get through the day, or to warn you to be more careful.

Being a stuntman and success on your performing?

it was a sign. All your difficulties will pass away soon.

Maybe this will make you fell better. Dream about you being a stuntman, and success while performing your action.

Because all your Difficulties Will gone soon. it would be because you overcome those difficulties, or you're trying so hard using all your ability to pass it through.

Dream About: See a dry fountain?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to get through the day, or to warn you to be more careful.

See a dry fountain?

You'll fall into proverty for some time.

Life is like a spinning wheel.

Sometimes we are above, and sometimes have to fall down. We choose has to stay below or rise up and reach the top again.

This dream experienced by many people who are already successful, because everyone who had a successful one day will fall as well. So if you are someone who has been successful? dream about see the dry fountain was a sign that you will end up your successful period soon.

Remain through your life, and rose again. Because it is only temporary, not eternal.

Dream About: See the gigantic waterfall?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to get through the day, or to warn you to be more careful.

See the gigantic waterfall?

It notify you that your emotions and subconscious control in the same line with the level of your consciousness.


what a wonderful dream. This is different from the dream of seeing a waterfall, because in this dream you see an amazing gigantic waterfall, like Niagara fall, ect.

So it just told you that your emotions and the level of consciousness is in line.