Dream About: Get a fountain and drink its water

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to get through the day, or to warn you to be more careful.

Get a fountain and drink its water

It tells you that you got a beatiful soul, fresh and good.

Oh my god. this is one of the greatest dream.

Anyone who had a dream like this he/she definitely have a Beautiful Soul.

A very beautiful dream for the clean and beautiful human soul. someday All good-hearted people in this world will get a dream like this.

Dream About: Hear someone crying.

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to get through the day, or to warn you to be more careful.

You hear someone crying?

You will complete a major and difficult duty.

Every man has rights and obligations. A person may acquire rights after doing its duty.
And those who wish to acquire big rights then must complete a major liability.

So if you dream about Hear someone crying, you do not know where it come. than you will complete a major liability, and will acquire high duty anyway.

Dream About: Being a stuntman and success on your performing.

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to get through the day, or to warn you to be more careful.

Being a stuntman and success on your performing?

it was a sign. All your difficulties will pass away soon.

Maybe this will make you fell better. Dream about you being a stuntman, and success while performing your action.

Because all your Difficulties Will gone soon. it would be because you overcome those difficulties, or you're trying so hard using all your ability to pass it through.

Dream About: See a dry fountain?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to get through the day, or to warn you to be more careful.

See a dry fountain?

You'll fall into proverty for some time.

Life is like a spinning wheel.

Sometimes we are above, and sometimes have to fall down. We choose has to stay below or rise up and reach the top again.

This dream experienced by many people who are already successful, because everyone who had a successful one day will fall as well. So if you are someone who has been successful? dream about see the dry fountain was a sign that you will end up your successful period soon.

Remain through your life, and rose again. Because it is only temporary, not eternal.

Dream About: See the gigantic waterfall?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to get through the day, or to warn you to be more careful.

See the gigantic waterfall?

It notify you that your emotions and subconscious control in the same line with the level of your consciousness.


what a wonderful dream. This is different from the dream of seeing a waterfall, because in this dream you see an amazing gigantic waterfall, like Niagara fall, ect.

So it just told you that your emotions and the level of consciousness is in line.

Dream About: See a waterfall?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to get through the day, or to warn you to be more careful.

See a waterfall?

Your Negative emotions will be outdated soon, and replaced with the positive emotions


This kind of dream is usually experienced by people who are angry, or unstable emotion.

But if they get a dream like this, then the emotions will subside and replaced with joy and happiness.

Because seeing a waterfall is something very refreshing and enjoyable.

Dream About: See the flowing water?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to get through the day, or to warn you to be more careful.

See the flowing water?

You will get a surprising news!


Wow, surprising news?
Don't be so excited, because we don't know wether it would be, a good news or a bad news.

You need to know, that the news would come of a sudden. surprise you. so be ready, and we hope it will be a good news.

Dream About: See the water flooded your house?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

See the water flooded your house?

You or your kid will be sick


Oh man..
you've got a bad dream, that's mean a bad sign too. This is kind of dream that nobody expected to, because it's mean something bad will happen.

Flooding in your home environment, and the water into your house. This mean you or one of your kid will be sick. If you don't have a kid, than you will be sick.

Just be careful, stay live healthy and avoid all kinds of disease-causing. Think positif, okay?

Dream About: See the tremendous whirlpool?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

See a tremendous whirlpool?

You will found some difficulties that can be hidden.


It's a bad dream, not a nigthmare because you just see it happen.

You see a tremendous whirlpool? it is a sign that you will find some difficulty, but you can keep it hidden from everone.

Quite difficult to understand, but later you will understand. so, you toll me.

Dream About: See a fast-flowing river?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

See a fast-flowing river?

It was a notification. That your emotion is uncontrolled.


There are some dreams that can be a notice.

One of them is when someone saw a fast-flowing river. This dream will explain that she/he is under stress, emotions that can not be controlled. Because he/she was in trouble, or something..

So if you dream of seeing a fast-flowing river, it told you that your emotions are unstable, and perhaps before you going to sleep you're upset or angry.

Dream About: Make a jelly with feeling sad, or you forced to do it?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

Make a jelly with feeling sad, or you forced to do it?

You will get conflict with your friends or your family.


You should know how it feels, if somebody get conflict with his/her friends, moreover his own family.

In a relation, conflict can be happen anytime. And when it solved, it will make their relation become stronger. But if it isn't solved, the relation can be split-up.

Ok. it is all about you dream about making a jelly with feeling so sad or being forced. That's pathetic isn't it? why could be someone got sad feeling while making a cute desert, hahaha.
and why should jelly? don't ask me, but ask the thousands or million people who ever get a dream like this, and they will say, Jelly!

Please being casual, if you meet your friends or family, let's just say you never read this. Than maybe you don't have to get the conflict. The key is, always SMILE to them! :)

Dream About: Make a jelly with feeling so happy?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

Make a jelly with feeling so happy?

You will going to visit your friends or relative.


Simple dream, but Rare!
You dream about making gelatin or jelly in your kitchen, or anywhere, with feeling so happy, you having fun alone or with somebody, like ingredient war, hahaha

If you dream like this, it's mean you've already have a plan to visit your friends or relative, and the dream said, yes.. you should meet them tomorrow!

Dream About: See a pile of bricks

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

See a pile of Bricks?

You business will continue to grow.


Bricks are one of the main building material in modern buildings. Bricks arranged into walls that limit the room.

Piles of bricks are usually seen in a building materials factory, or at a building project site or houses.

Maybe for some people won't bother this dream, and let it pass because it feels so unimportant, but if a businessman ever dreamed like this, then his/her business that he run now will be successful, lasting and growing.

Dream About: You being very happy?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

You being very happy?

You should be more careful.


I'm Sorry,
if in your dream you feeling so happy.
Unfortunately the meaning is always the opposite.
That you will get something unexpected. Please be more careful to pass the next day.
I hope you always think positive, but be careful too.

It's about balancing, Happiness and sadness. But i believe you can pass it, just like another day.

Dream About: Sit or standing on the roof with your friend?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

Sit or standing on the roof with your friend?

You will get luck in your business.


Simple dream simple means.

Very rare but this is completely what a businessman wants. Becouse someone who dream about this, will get luck in his/her business.

This should be a big motivate for you, who have dream about this. Keep going, dont give up, learn from your mistake, and donn't ever look back.

Dream About: See the white clouds?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

See the white clouds?

You will find happiness in your marriage,
Successful in business, and..
Your will keep healthy until your old age


What a big smile. see that big smile? it's mean i'm happy that you have dream about this. ^___^

Yes, because this is one of the most expected dream for most people in the world. It's all about your FUTURE! and everything's means Good and GOOD. No wonder why most people want to get a dream like this, see a clear cloud, the white cloud, the Holy cloud.

Than you will get happiness in marriage, your business will grow and be successful, and keep healthy until your old age. That's what everyone expected.

Congratulations! :)

Honestly, i do want to get dream about this :p

Dream About: See a twin brother on the moon?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

See a twin brother on the moon ?

Your marriage will be happy.


Having twins is a dream of some people.

This is kind of unique dream. seeing a pair of twins in the moon? it could only happen in dreams.

It's very unreasonable, but someone who has been married can get a dreams like this.

And if you are married people then had a dream like this, then your marriage life will be happy. Even if you are not happy now, be patient, the time will come :)

What a nice dream :)

Dream About: See a stinky carrion?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

See a stinky Carrion?

You will get some difficulties, especially in financial problems .


See a carrion in a dream is not a good sign.

Any carrion, including dead animals even humans. it also has decaying, meaning that it's death was for days.

So if you see something like that in your dream then you should be more careful, because it is a sign that you will find difficulties, especially in financial problem.

Dream About: See a hen laying it's eggs?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

You dream about:
See a hen laying it's eggs?

You will get a luck.


Hens produce eggs.

They are not pregnant, but released an egg every 24 hours (approximately) soon after being mated with a rooster for 7 days. Then they will produce eggs without the rooster's involvement.

So if one night you dream of seeing a hen laying it's eggs? then tomorrow you will find more luck.

Dream About: Feeding Chicken?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

You dream about:
Feeding Chicken?

Your business will grow, or
your Ideals will be achieved!


Chickens are kind of animal that became one of human's side dishes.

Chicken contains a lot of benefits for human life. Roosters crow in the morning, their eggs can be sold, their feces as fertilizer, and their flesh can be eaten and providing energy.

So if you dream about feeding them? congratulations! your business that you run now will grow. But if you are not a businessman, then all your Ideals Will be achieved!

Dream About: Drink a wine?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

Note: This Explanation is only for woman who dream about this.

You dream about:
Drinking a Wine?

Congratulations! You Will get married soon!


Wine is an alcoholic beverage made ​​from the juice of Vitis vinifera grape that normally grows only in areas 30 to 50 degrees latitude north and south.

There are many types of wine, red wine, white wine, rose wine, sparkling wine, sweet wine, Fortified wine, and so on. (which one your favorite?)

This is a very remarkable dream, simple but provides a very large sense. Because if you are a woman and dreamed like this, you will get married soon!
^ _ ^

Dream About: Buying some building materials?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

You dream about:
Buying some building materials?


(It was a sign) Your business that you run now will be successful!
Congratulation :)


The main component of building is the main structure. In the main structure there is a mixture of construction materials for buildings.

This kind of Dream usually experienced by the business people, especially businessmen property, because they often talked about building materials.

And if you're a businessman who had a dream like this, congratulations, your business that you run now will be succed. But if you're not a businessman, tomorrow all of your plan will be succesfull too.

Dream About: Your body sweat out?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

You dream about:
Your body sweat out?

You will get fortune and happiness.


Sweat is a symbol of healthy body.

Someone usually sweating during exercise, fear, get nightmare, or overheated.

Attention, This explanation dream is not for someone whose body sweat out only when he/she wake up from sleep. But for who dream about this, whatever the reason you see your body sweat out, in your dream.

So the next day you will get fortune and happiness.

Dream About: Your body become Crooked?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

You dream about:

Your body become Crooked?


You will be healthy and happy.


All the people in this world will grow old.

Old man have their body become crooked little by little. That's because their backbone is old too, and no longer able to make the body stand erect.

If you dream of your body become crooked, while in reality you are or you are not, then the meaning of this dream can say otherwise. Because tomorrow you will feel healthy and happy.
^ _ ^

Dream About: your body covered by the white cloud?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

In your dream, your body covered by the white cloud?

You will fared better than yesterday


Additional Info!

Clouds are one of the most important part in the composition of the atmosphere of the earth (our planet)

If the weather was sunny the clouds are white, but if it is cloudy or rainy they turn black.

If in your dreams, your body is covered by the white cloud, wherever you are, above the sky or on the land, then tomorrow you will fared better than yesterday.

Dream About: walking on the water?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

You dream of walking on the water?

You will get sustenance


Additional Info!

Humans can't walk on water.

Walking on water is an impossible event, and unacceptable human common sense. and can not be explained scientifically.

These have never been seen in reality, except those performed by the great magician, with his tricks. But actually, the idea came from a dream like this.

Human can dream of walking on the water surface, and if you dream about this last night, you will get sustenance next day.

Dream About: someone bring firewoods to your house?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

You dream of, someone bring firewoods to your house?

You Will Get fortune.


Additional Info!

Firewood is a symbol of warmth.

Firewood is used as fuel for a camp fire or fireplace, that purpose to warm the surrounding air.
Usually carried by mountain climbers, or those who live in countries that have winter.

As long as the firewood remains, the fire will remain lit to warm.
So if you dream in someone came to bring the firewood to your house, that was a good sign for you.

Dream About: you see a child, hear a child, or you get a child?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

In your dream, you see a child, hear a child, or you get a child?

You will Get Fortune immediately.


Additional Info!

Having a child will increase happiness of our life.

This dream Include the type of dream that commonly happen. The main core of this dream is if you only see a small child, or just hear their voices, crying, talking, or laughing.
Or you dream of having a child, especially a boy.

If in real life you do not have children, the goodness that you receive will be more and more.

Dream About: see a fire fall from the sky, and burn your house?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

You dream of seeing a fire fall from the sky, and burn your house?

You Will Get fortune, or
You will get a large amount of money.


Additional Info!

This include a unique dream.

It happened if you see something like a fire in the sky and then down to earth and burn your house or place you sleep that night.
Anything related to the fire is not always a bad sign. Because fire can also mean spirit and strength.
This Dream are quite rare, but people who ever dream like this is a person who loves to share each other, eventually he delegated a lot of sustenance.

Dream About: See an apple?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

In your dream, you see an apple?

You will live in happiness!


Additional Info!

Apples are fresh fruit.

Apples contain many vitamins and good for fitness and health, as well as to meet the needs of fiber body.
To be sure apple could make us more healthy and cheerful.
Apples are usually eaten alone as a dessert or for breakfast. Or it could also be served in the form of juice drinks, pudding, and so on.

So if you dream of seeing an apple, just look at it, then you will get happiness in your life.

I like apples! ^_^

Dream About: see a theologians reading a holy book?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to believe if you won't, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.

In your dream, you see a theologians reading a holy book?

Congratulations my friend! You will get safety and happiness.


Additional info!

Are you religious people?

In this world there are so many religions. Many people are religious but some are not (Atheist)

Every religion teaches good things for his people, and every religion has religious scholars or theologians.

If you dream of seeing one of the religious scholars were reading religious scriptures, then you will find safety and happiness.