Dream About: Crying with streaming tears?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to beliave it, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.


You dream of crying with streaming tears?
it doesn't matter what exactly the reason, you just crying with streaming tears.

You will get excitement and much fortune.


Additional Info!

Crying with streaming tears.

could be due to many reasons, and the most dominant is because someone was treated that touched his heart very deeply.

for example it was decided boyfriend, divorced, betrayed, in scathing criticism, and so on.

Another cause is generally because a person feels physical pain he experienced, such as toothache, sore eyes, fell off his bicycle, and so on.

mostly experienced by young children, because.. well they're just a child.

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