Dream About: Do weapon fight?

We help you know the meaning of your last dream. You don't have to beliave it, we just told you so you can feel better, more confidence to pass the day, or to warning you so you can be more wary.


You dream about do weapon Fight!
each other at gunpoint, fighting with swords, ect..


you will be involved in a scuffle, but does not hurt a bit.
Or ,you will be involved in a fracas but also does not hurt a bit.


Additional Info!

Gun fight
is a situation when you're with another person pointing a gun to one another.

This situation is usually seen when the circumstances of each party are being squeezed, there is no other way than a gun for safety or those who want to be saved.

This fight is passive, read the reflex movement, and who most quickly pressing the trigger he would win.

Swords Fight
is the fight of two or more persons, each armed with a sword to attack and defense.

This fight is more active and take a long time. classic fighting style rarely seen in modern times like now.

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